El negocio del Blog

Según un estudio de mercado de eMarketer,
y en referencia al mercado estadounidense, señala que:
  • Un 12% de los usuarios mantiene actualizado un blog (sube al 16% en 2012).
  • Un 50% de los usuarios lee blogs (al menos un blog una vez al mes), esto es, 94 millones de individuos, subiendo hasta el 67% en 2012 (145 millones de individuos).
  • Declaran los blogs como ya claramente dentro del mainstream, del consumo habitual del usuario medio de internet.
  • La facturación de publicidad en blogs en 2007 fue de 283 millones de dólares y esperan que sea de 746 millones en 2012.
  • Añaden que la orientación a nichos de los blogs es un factor fundamental en su atractivo publicitario y que los resultados de atención y de click de los lectores de blogs sugieren que son un público premium.
En nuestro caso (referido a Argentina) las cifras, obviamente no son las mismas; pero es interesante tener esto en cuenta ya que, como sabemos, gracias a la globalización, bajaremos los los números a la realidad de nuestro mercado y atrasando las tasas de adopción uno o dos años.

A continuación, el resumen de la investigación de eMarketer.

Blogs Blossom into a Big Business

MAY 16, 2008

Who doesn’t read a blog now and then?

The expansion of the blogosphere into mass-market proportions is reflected in eMarketer's forecasts of the numbers of US bloggers and blog readers.

The number of people creating blogs in the US will reach over 35 million by 2012—roughly 16% of the Internet population.

More importantly, by 2012, more than 145 million people—67% of the US Internet population—will be reading blogs at least once a month. That is up from a readership of 94 million in 2007, or 50% of Internet users.

"Once a haven for techies to communicate with each other in their own lingo, blogs have long since shed this mantle and tapped into the zeitgeist of American culture," says Paul Verna, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, The Blogosphere: A Mass Movement from Grass Roots. "There are blogs for virtually everything under the sun, from celebrity gossip to political commentary to the most mundane personal minutiae."

All this attention is turning blogs into a business.

"Buoyed by these massive levels of consumer engagement," says Mr. Verna, "US blog advertising will reach $746 million in 2012, up from $283 million in 2007."

"A big factor driving the increases is the niche orientation of the blogosphere," says Mr. Verna.

Like podcasts, blogs tend to appeal to specific audiences. Accordingly, much of the demographic targeting that marketers work so hard to achieve in the mainstream media is already done for them.

"Furthermore," adds Mr. Verna, "the rates at which blog readers notice and click on ads suggest that they are a well-primed audience."

To learn more about the social and economic implications of blogging, download the new eMarketer report, The Blogosphere: A Mass Movement from Grass Roots, today.

1 comentarios:

Queitrel dijo...

Hola Maggie, gracias por tu comentario =)
Es una nota interesante
Que loco que la mitad de los bloggers no lea blogs ¿No?

Maggie AQ Works

  • Diseño de Blogs
  • Mantenimiento de Blogs